
Friday 29 June 2012

A Hearty Welcome

What with becoming a blogger, starting a new blog, debating about my style of writing and trying to get good photos, I just realised that I have been remiss as a host. A casual glance at the sidebar showed me that I now had 25 followers! And I had never taken the time to greet them.

So today I would like to extend a hearty welcome to all my friends on Google connect. Trust me, I have visited each one of you and enjoyed your blogs (sometimes with help from Google Translate). I also enjoy reading your comments on my blog and really look forward to them. Do keep writing in and let us keep visiting and chatting.

Also a warm welcome to all my readers and visitors. 

If anybody has suggestions about how I can improve my blog, I would certainly love to hear them. At present I am doing up my blog in a trial and error, learn as you go method...LOL. There are many things that I have still not tried and there is so much to learn.

Until I became a blogger, I had no idea about Google connect and "Following". I would bookmark my fave blogs, so you can imagine what a huge bookmark list I had. Once I understood what it meant I promptly "joined" all my favourite blogs. Now it is so easy and so much fun to be up to date on their blog activities. But on a personal note, I had never expected to have so many friends and that too, so soon. I am absolutely thrilled. Having moved to a new city, I really missed my friends back home. Not anymore, my virtual friends bring me so much joy. Plus I have managed to contact a couple of my bloggy friends personally!! Isn't that just great.

Thank you friends for making me feel welcome.

What?!... a post without crochet. How is that possible? 

This is what I am currently working on. 

This is my own design and I will reveal it to you if it works out right.  No, don't worry no guessing games this time. But, I will give you a hint - this item is for my dear hubby, that is if it turns out to be okay. Wish me luck.

Bye for now, Take care.
Love xxx


  1. Hi Sangeetha, how do you do?

    mobile pouch? lovely pattern!

    Mira’s Talent Gallery

    :-) Mira

  2. And a hearty hello back to you!

  3. Stumbled upon your blog and simply loved it.. its a patient person's job and your doing it fabulously!
    All the best and looking forward to visiting you more often.
    Do drop a visit to my blog when you have some time.


Thank you for taking a moment to write to me. I look forward to your comments.
If you have any specific questions about yarn, stitches, hooks or patterns please send them to