
Saturday 23 June 2012

My first custom order !

Hi everybody! Do I sound cheerful! Well, that is because the heat is easing up and the temperature is falling. We are having cloudy weather here in Ahmedabad and there were the occasional showers though I still wouldn't say that monsoons have "arrived'. But any relief from the killing heat is welcome. The only regret is that the lovely golden summery mangoes are also on their way out.

In one of my posts I mentioned my first custom order - a pen tablet cover.
I am so used to gifting my crochet items that I cannot tell you how thrilled I was when I got an order for a pen tablet cover from my son's classmate Dev, who is also a fan of my blog. It really feels great to be paid for doing something you love to do. 

The navy blue colour was his choice and the pattern is my own design. I clicked many photos of it, with and without flash, and with and without sunlight but I think the real colour of the yarn could not be captured as it was quite a dark blue. So anyway here are the pics;

I worked diagonal rows of popcorn stitches for texture and to protect the drawing surface.

The lining of the cover with pockets for the stylus, the connecting cable and CDs.

Like I said, none of the photos have captured the true colour. Did I mention that Dev is utterly delighted with that is one job well done.

Already started working on the next project. Okay... you can have a peep at it.

Can you guess what it is...? Do let me know, I am waiting for your comments.

See you later, crocheters!


  1. Hello Sangeetha

    Totally agree that you get a reward for your work. I see you have used the popcorn stitch one of my favourite stitches it gives that little bit more character to a project.
    OK OK I give up what is it???
    It looks as if it is covering something....all the same its a lovely combination of colours.

    Keep well!

    Amanda :-)
    Amanda :-)

  2. Will it be a pillow cover???Can not wait to see!!

  3. Tablet cover is so cute & perfect. COngrats! and best wishes, Sangeetha.

    My guess is "bag"

    Mira’s Talent Gallery

    :-) Mira

  4. Very nice, I dint know you live in Ahbad! I love the city, esp Honest Pav Bhajji..- yuumm n to die for!! The fabrics are also lovely there in ur city.

  5. Hi Sangeeta

    That looks pretty. Is that a coaster? It can't be cause it looks like its covering something and the hexies at the sides are half folded. So, quick... unravel the mystery....:)

  6. Congrats! on your first order. And I must say - very neat work too! Keep it up.

  7. Hi sangeeta, loved your tablet cover and its colour. Is it a stool cover? I recently made one and am obsessed with it. So gave a wild thought....


Thank you for taking a moment to write to me. I look forward to your comments.
If you have any specific questions about yarn, stitches, hooks or patterns please send them to