
Thursday 7 June 2012

One month old!!

Yes!! my blog has crossed the one month mark. I had hoped to write atleast two posts per week and maybe get a few visitors. Now with eleven posts, twenty two comments, eleven followers and nearly seven hundred pageviews later, I am feeling great. Things do move very fast in Blogland! Well, I will definitely try to post a little faster now.

This post has been a long time in coming as I was busy with a custom order. It is the pen tablet cover which you had a sneak peek at in my last post. I have been experiencing a tingling sensation down my left arm due to my cervical spondylosis, so work was proceeding at a very slow pace. Finally it is done and I have handed it over to its owner who, I may add is quite pleased with it. As I have not uploaded the pics I will give you the deets next time.

Blogging makes the world seem like a small place. When I see visitors from different parts of the world, it seems as if they are visiting me at home and chatting with me. If only we could share a virtual cup of tea... that would be great! I have discovered so many new blogs by following my "Followers". So, a Big Thank You to all my readers/visitors out there for making me feel welcome.

Okay, so now you know that I enjoy blogging and making friends and blah, blah ... let us get on to the crochet stuff. This is a potholder I made recently from a pattern called Raised Rose potholder which can now be found in the wayback internet archive. I have tried this pattern three times with beautiful results each time. The first two which were made with a pink and cream combination are now with Aruna and Madhuri, my two closest friends. I decided to make a third one just to practice the pattern again, but the colors I chose this time are not as pretty. But anyway here it is;

I just love the rippling edge don't you? So there it is, a lovely pattern made in not so lovely colors. Maybe I will just make one more with some better colors this time.

Would you like to try this? Here is the link to the pattern at Ravelry. Hope you enjoy making it.

See you soon.
Love xxxx
P.S. If anybody out there knows that crochet and cervical spondylosis are not compatible, please don't tell me, and definitely don't talk to my dear hubby.... ha ha, just joking!


  1. Congratulations Sangeetha. Wonderful work by you. best wishes.

    To give link back :-

    1. Type a post like how I have done.
    2. Give a link to my blog in your post.
    3. share it with others blogpals
    4. right click the award photo in my post, copy and save it to your desktop
    5. go to layout, click add a gadget, select picture gadget, select the blog award picture from our desktop, in the http: give my award post url and in caption write "Thank you ...." save it and place it in the place you want it to be seen in your blog.

    That's all. If you have any further calrification, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. My email id is seen in my profile. You can refer to my blog page to know how It will look.

  2. Beautiful SangeethAa....Congratulations !!!

  3. I think this is gorgeous!!!!
    Did you use crochet thread ??
    Thank you!


Thank you for taking a moment to write to me. I look forward to your comments.
If you have any specific questions about yarn, stitches, hooks or patterns please send them to