
Tuesday 4 September 2012

Raining Gold

Hello, beautiful people.

I hope this new week has pushed off the new month to a good start. I am partial to this month... ;)

A warm hello to two new friends;
          Magdalene from Magdalinio dia xeiros
          Isabel from Coloresyganchos

Now if you are wondering whether it was raining gold here, sadly it was not. But I did manage to complete this light gold purse that I was making. I had shown you this purse when it was a WIP some time back.

Here is the finished piece:

 I has also said that I will be asking for your suggestions about the handles. Well, none of the handles in my stash were matching the yarn so I decided to make the handles with the yarn itself.

The yarn is light gold though it seems silver in the photo. Difficult to capture the right color with the camera.

It was not raining gold but it was certainly raining cats and dogs since Monday. Heavy rains starting at around 5.00  in the evening caused flooding of roads and really caused great inconvenience especially to office goers who were returning home. 

At times like this I am glad that I no longer have to go to work. But my joy was short lived as yesterday the power supply went off for hours. No crochet, no reading, no TV, no internet. Well, people were suffering worse things out there.... so I should really not complain. To give you an idea here are some photos from my balcony.

The roads got flooded within minutes.

Hubby and sonny reached home totally drenched. We were just getting ready for a candlelight dinner when the power supply was restored. Which is good as I had only one small candle!!

So, its buh-bye until next time.
Love xxx


  1. Hi Sangeetha. Your purse came out lovely - very pretty. That's really a lot of rain - good thing you didn't have to go out in it. :)

  2. Please give a tutorial of this purse.. i want to make one...

  3. Love the purse! Your work always looks professionally done. Please add my blog to your sidebar. You are on my sidebar. Seems only fair. just joking with you. I will follow you no matter what. Boo

  4. Very neat and perfect. Lovely!

  5. Very beautiful purse Sangeetha!!I love it!!If you give us the tutorial of this purse that would be perfect!!Kisses!

  6. Hi dear friend, This is an amazing bag. You know I like these kind of bags so much... I like yours so much..:))
    Have a happy day...:))

  7. What a great purse! And your handles turned out very nice indeed. Ah, the rain - sometimes it does interrupt our plans. Still, it is beautiful, even when the streets are flooded and the power goes out. We're on the tail end of our monsoon season, and as much as it's difficult to deal with the power of the storms at times, it's always amazing to watch them in action. Glad you got your power back in time for dinner:) Have an amazing day!

  8. I love your purse and thank you for the lovely comments you left on my blog :)

  9. Breathtaking! And I see "gold" in the photos too, especially the second one. And also, could you send some of that rain to Texas? Please?? LOL

  10. Hey Sangeetha,
    Yes I do remember that day.It was just a horrible day.I had been to your area to collect my son .Normally it takes 7 minuts from my home to your home by car but that day it took almost 3 1/2 hrs to reach back.can't forget the mess.
    Liked your purse.It really looks good.Thanks for sharing.

  11. Your purse came out great! Glad you are all safe and dry after the storm :)

  12. hi, i tried to make bag..n here it is..

  13. Oh I so much love your purse! It looks very beautiful. Camera often doesn't treat colors so well... What kind of yarn you are using? It looks so pretty and strong. Glad you hear you are all safe and had a lovely dinner together... :)
    Hugs to you,

  14. A nice purse Sangeetha. I am also planning to make one. I had made a bag earlier but it is difficult to have a crochet bag stand straight :)

    I liked the name of your blog, thought I can use something like Crochetgiri similar to dadagiri;)but I blog on other needlework things too. I have started blogging recently, please view my blog at

  15. Thank you dear friends for your lovely comments.

  16. Lovely, lovely purse. I'm also glad you were able to stay dry. That's a lot of rain!!!!

  17. Really nice bag!!!. This is my blog if you want to visit it.


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