
Monday 8 October 2012

Afghan Glory

Hello there my lovely friends.

So, did you have a enjoyable weekend or were you busy with household chores. Some weekends have to be devoted to the home, so its okay.

Let me start the week by keeping a promise I made. I had promised you a book tour - of the lovely afghan book I bought recently. So here it is;

The book is called "Join-As-You-Go Afghans" by The Needlecraft Shop

These are a few of my favourites from the huge selection. Aren't they just gorgeous? So tempting! Makes me want to start an afghan right away.

I can see my unfinished hexagon blanket beckoning me, so I guess a new afghan will have to wait. I hope you enjoyed these pics.

See you later, crocheters.
Love xxx


  1. Hi, Sangeetha! Thanks for sharing these lovely pics.You know some of the afghans are too good to actually use them! :) I am crocheting a baby blanket now, a simple ripple pattern, but this is how we start, isn't it?
    My weekend was: half dedicated to home, half - to crafts. Not bad at all!
    Have a nice week ahead!

  2. Hello ,Sangeetha!Very beatiful pictures.Thank you.Have a nice week ahead!Love:))

  3. Lovely afghans! You really tempt me with those beautiful pictures. Wish you all the best - whenever you start one.

  4. Thanks for sharing. Recently I made a 'Join as you go' scarf and it is much less pain to join as you go than first doing the motifs and then joining them. I am gonna buy this book, for sure. :)

  5. Seems like a nice book :)Have a Nice Week and enjoy the book ;)

  6. They are all so beautiful. My cousin taught me to crochet when I was about 20. A flower with leaves in a square. I made tons and tons of baby and regular sized afghans using that pattern. It's only been since blogging that I've branched out and learned to read patterns. The cover afghan with the rectangles is lovely. And the butterfly blanket is very unique. Hope you are having a good day! Tammy

  7. They are all beautiful, makes you want to rush out and buy the book, then again it will be my birthday soon..I wonder...haha

  8. These are all extremely beautiful !:)

  9. So many pretty afghans! I'm going to have to put that book on my wishlist.

  10. These are indeed very very pretty.


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