
Wednesday 10 October 2012

Sand or Tan?

Hi Girls! I hope the week has been treating you well so far.

Lets begin by welcoming our new friends:
          Weaver Birdie at I Love Handmade!
          Susan Carlson at Felted Button
          Archana at Things I do ... in my World
          Maree at Mareelovescolour

Okay now tell me, did you read the title and think this post was about a weekend at the beach. Sadly there is no beach in Ahmedabad. Well, it is so true that you realise the value of something only after you have lost it. My parents' home was just two minutes away, yes that's right only two minutes away from the beach. As kids my brother and I spent most evenings walking to the beach with Mom and making sand castles, filling our pails at the water's edge and eating roasted peanuts. After marriage I moved to an area that was kilometers away from the nearest beach. And now Ahmedabad! But not to worry, as recently, the banks of the Sabarmati river in Ahmedabad have been endowed with the Sabarmati Riverfront - a unique project that will handle water management while creating a public promenade, that has soon become a tourist attraction. Definitely on my must see list.

So, what's with the beachy title? Well, the title refers to my latest project which is this square doily.

Upon completing the doily I was stuck for words when it came to describing the colour of the doily. I mean, gone were the innocent school days when colours were red, blue, green and yellow. And any variations were just light blue and dark blue, light green and dark green and so on. 

But today these definitions are not enough. No siree! Today we have True blue, Baby blue, Bahama blue and Avocado, Pistachio, Celery and Cornsilk, Goldenrod, Tangerine and what not. So what the heck do I call my doily. Sand? Tan? Beige?  After some Google research I chanced upon "Fawn" and felt that, that is the right word to describe the colour.

So here are my Fawn coloured square doilies. I had enough Bliss knitting cotton to make a set of three with a 2.00 mm crochet hook.

Now if you have been wondering why my projects are always photographed on this two colour background, here is the secret. Well, no big secret actually but just the swing in my balcony. You would think that with this unbearable heat and scorching sunlight, I would get good pictures indoors. But no, the swing is the only place where I get good photos. Or maybe that speaks a lot for my "skills" as a photographer! Anyway here is my multipurpose swing adorned with a few of my projects.

What prompted me to reveal this today is the question "Where is your favourite place to take pictures?" by Susan at Felted Button. Do tell me your answer.

Now here is the real secret. The swing is a part of the furniture we got along with the house we have rented. I don't use the swing as a swing as I am sure my "delicate" frame will crack the poor thing! Ha ha. 

My next project is a beautiful thread doily with pansies. Hope I can share it with you soon (as I have still not bothered to get new glasses!).

Thanks for visiting me. Take care and happy hooking.
(A small note to all my fellow bloggers and followers: Please write a small comment when you join my blog and also don't forget to state the name of your blog, so that I can follow you too. Thank you.)

PS: If you are a die hard Sridevi fan like me, you must watch "English Vinglish". Great movie, fantastic performance and superb direction.

Love xxx


  1. You have crocheted some beautiful projects Sangeetha. I especially love the 2 square doilies. :)

  2. Very pretty projects on the swing. I have seen swings in almost all homes in Gujarat. My in-laws house is in junagadh. Why do they have it in all homes I wonder?

    1. Very true Rajeswari, as in the past two years I have hardly seen anybody actually using it. Maybe because of the strong sunlight and unrelenting heat here till late in the evening.

  3. awesome dear!!! the last photo is awesome.. i've created the table mat according to you tutorial... soon i'll show you the picture..

  4. Beautiful doilies Sangeetha. Love the place !!!!

  5. Nice doilies! Yes very true the colors have so many names these days and I have no clue when my daughter asks me about a Color I never heard of. I love swings, not for crochet but to swing :) anyways you are making a good use of it;)

  6. You are so wonderful! I love the doilies--they are such a unique shape and beautiful! You are very talented! And thanks for the links to my blog--so happy to have joined you here! To answer your question--or should I say my question--I take most of my pictures in my dining room on a little thrift store children's bench I bought and spray painted. There is something about the light I get through the frosted glass on the door and the big southern facing picture window that almost always gives perfect light! If that fails--outdoors I go! I am quite jealous of your swing--how wonderful for sitting and for pictures! You make me laugh talking about your "delicate" frame. I can so relate! :)

  7. Hello, Sangeetha! Whata a nice post, feels like you are talking to me just in front :) I liked the set you made, a descent and slightly vintage. Well...hmmm... my fav place to take pics is my bed and the table in my room. I usually put different fabrics as a background. By the way, it is soooo difficult to take pics under a tube light!!!
    have a nice day! Anna

  8. Where were you? Was planning to call you to check if alls well. There was a long spell of silence on your blog hmmm?

    The Pineapple doilies look very dainty. Why don't you create a table runner?

    Take care

  9. Very interesting post, I loved reading it! I am so bad at naming them I end up 'googling' for their precise names. :)
    And those elephants, I have 5 of them in different sizes and they are with us since I do not remember.
    Love your square doilies. I am on a 'doily making' spree. ;) Hope will make something like this in the near future.
    Have a nice weekend!

  10. Your fawn colored doilies are beautiful! That swing looks very nice. It's so dusty here, I don't take anything outside. I just photograph whatever, wherever. :) Hope you are having a lovely day. Tammy

  11. Hellow Sangeetha,
    your new square doilies are very pretty. I love to take the photos of my doilies on my dresser as it is white and gives a nice background. I also love to photograph them on my outdoor table.
    I'm looking forward to seeing your next doily with pansies.

  12. The swing is where you would get natural lighting and the best place for photography of the lovely doilies. Crotchet is soon becoming a forgotten art. Glad you are still at it!

  13. I like the potholders! Beautiful all those colors...

  14. As always beautiful work... I have an award for you on my blog , please do collect it !

  15. Hallo,
    Zou ik het patroon mogen ontvangen.
    Alvast veel dank



  17. Sangeetha ! Every time i look at your projects.. i will have the cliched word "lovely" ! I love the colours and all the projects displayed.

  18. Lucky Buddha ! Sitting on such a beautiful piece of art ! ha ha


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