
Saturday 27 October 2012

Stash Saturday

Hello dear friends, Are you looking forward to the weekend? I certainly am, because tomorrow I get to meet my bloggy friend Aishwarya.

Yesterday I spoke about another "first" that I want to share with you. From the title it must be obvious that it has something to do with my stash. But this stash is very special as it has come to me from across the seven seas from another  blogger friend, dear Debi at Dly's Hooks and Yarns.

A few days back I saw that Debi had put up some balls of size 10 crochet thread  for sale. Size 10 crochet thread is not available here so I immediately contacted Debi whether she would be willing to send the thread to India if I paid the cost plus shipping. When Debi replied very sweetly that not only would she send me the thread but that it was a gift for me I just could not believe my eyes. I read the email once again (well, actually thrice, lol) to confirm it and then I jumped with joy. [Okay with my "dainty" frame it was only a hop, but you get the idea.]  ;)
My folks, as usual, thought that I was finally losing IT due to too much crochet!!!

The thread arrived on the 25th. Six lovely balls of Aunt Lydia's crochet thread in delicate colours. Would you like to see my lovely gift? 

Well, here it is:

Aren't the colours just gorgeous. A lovely gift from a wonderful friend. Thank you Debi for this beautiful gesture. 

For a long time I had no idea what a Giveaway was. When I learned what they actually were, I did enter a few but I was never lucky to win any. So this is the first time that I am receiving something from a blogger friend, so I am rightfully and proudly very thrilled about it. My husband could not believe it that someone who has never met me has actually sent me a lovely gift. Well, if only he know the pleasures and perks of Blogdom!!

I am now planning on hosting a Giveaway when my Followers reach the 100 mark. So, come on readers, if you have been following my blog for some time, click the button and make it official. And don't forget to mention your blog name in the comments so that I can follow you too.

Have a rocking weekend. Take care and Thank you for visiting.

Love xxx


  1. Debi is such a sweetie! She already shares so many free crochet patterns on her blog. And then to send you this lovely set of thread is just wonderful! Enjoy! And have a great visit with your blog friend. Tammy

  2. Hi Sangeetha. I'm really glad that you are happy with the thread. I hope you have many, many enjoyable hours creating lovely things with it.

    The internet is a wonderful place - I am able to meet and be friends with people from all over this world. I am glad that I met you.

    Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your visit with Aishwarya. :)

    1. oh and also, tell Aishwarya I said 'hello'. :)

  3. What a lovely gift. Aren't blogger friends wonderful?

    Have a great visit with Aishwarya and be sure to tell us all about it.


  4. What a lovely gift sangeetha.
    Enjoy crocheting now.we too are waiting to see your new creations.

  5. Enjoy ur visit Sangeetha. Even I'm sangheetha. :-)
    I have been reading ur posts for a while and thought very interesting.
    But today I managed to follow by Google connect. Wow wat an easy way. I was still going by favorites and my brain :-)
    Keep blogging.

  6. HI, Snageetha! Aishwarya already posted about your lovely meeting!hehe))crazy blog land indeed!
    I LOVE the gift you received, I am waiting for my giveaway gift for more than 1 month!Huh...what do i do? is it Indian or US post failing to deliver it?

    have a great day! Anna

  7. Hi Sangeetha! That's so sweet of Debi! I think I should also write to her and try my luck. :) (I know she will ignore me, she does nt even Know I exist)
    Anyways, I went to the market and bought the whole packet of that 'white thread'. It has no name, no tagging, nothing. I think its size 10, though I have never seen size 10 tkt till date. If you want I can also send you some. I am nt sure if its comparable to Aunt Lydia's, but its nice and very cheap(price vise). Let me know.


Thank you for taking a moment to write to me. I look forward to your comments.
If you have any specific questions about yarn, stitches, hooks or patterns please send them to