
Tuesday 18 December 2012

Mission accomplished

Hello dear friends. I am so glad to be back and I am happy that you are back with me too.

Well, mission ovary removal was successfully accomplished and I was back home on the 1st of December. The operation was a bit complicated as the the cyst had decided to cling to all possible organs around it. My poor surgeon had a tough time...4 hours actually. She must have been exhausted. So glad that it is over and done with.

A big Thanks to all of you my dear friends, for your best wishes, prayers, hugs and positive vibes. I think they really helped me. I was also touched that some of you took the trouble to contact me by email to ask about my health. That was so sweet of you.

After playing invalid or rather "beached whale" as my son so delicately put it,  for a week I had enough and picked up my hook and yarn. I would have crocheted in the hospital too but as the IV lines made that impossible I finished reading a Mary Higgins Clark mystery instead.

So, here is the first project I made post operation. A pair of Bed socks or slippers.

I had thought I will be staying in bed for a long time. And as warm feet are a must for me to get any sleep, this project really seemed apt.

The pattern is quite simple. It is actually only a rectangle of single crochets in the back loop which is then folded and seamed at the bottom, toes and the top, leaving enough space for your foot to go in. Then use your favourite edging around the ankles. Easy peasy.

I was inspired by a photo in Pinterest. Also the variegated yarn had a "busy" colour scheme which made it unsuitable for any other project and I had only one ball of it.

Bed socks on duty. How do you like it?

Friends, it feels so good to be back with all of you. Thanks for visiting and do write to me..soon. I am so looking forward to hearing from all of you. 

Yay! I am so happy to see that my blog has crossed 100 followers. A lot of new friends have joined us but they will have to forgive me if I don't mention them today as I still have to get the links for their blogs. Nevertheless, a very very warm welcome to all of them, I will wish all of you personally soon.

I will be back soon with another cute project. Till then take care, happy hooking. Take the time today to do something you always wanted to do. Life is short and unpredictable. :)
I am off to listen to my favourite music CD.

Love and hugs xxx


  1. Welcome back Sangeetha! :) nice socks!

  2. Brave girl is back? Wow! welcome back. Been missing you for a long time. Take care. Take good rest.

    How did you know that I have been wanting to crochet slippers/shoes for some time now? Lovely sippers. I want to make them too. So either a tutorial or a link. Choice is yours. Haha. Will speak to you tomorrow. Gud night

  3. Welcome back !!!Glad to know that your surgery was successful. Socks are really nice. Very bright color combo.

    Take care

  4. Welcome back it sounds as if you had quite a time of it, so glad that you are recovering well. I love the bed socks so cute :)

  5. Glad to have you back! You were missed. Hope you are well on the path of recovery :) A very useful project to keep your hands occupied and your feet warm.

    Take care and waiting for more from your end!

  6. I have missed you madly my friend. Congratulations on 100 followers-I only have half that, but I did this week pass 10 thousand page views. That was my goal for my first year, but has only been 9.5 months. You are my inspiration, but I don't think I could ever be as sweet and kind as you are. You really touch people with your writing style. So glad you are back to blogging. Is your housekeeper still cooking for you? And I can hardly believe you like Mary Higgins Clark-one of my favorites. Allow me to suggest you might also try Helen VanSlyke ( I think that's how she spells her name, but maybe a space in last name). The more I understand about you, the more kindred I feel we are. I did not mean to turn this into a novel. I'm just over-excited that you are doing well and sharing again.
    Gotta be your biggest fan,

  7. Hello ma'am! Good to see you back and good to hear that you are doing fine post operation. :)
    Congratulations for hitting the century! Keep it up!
    And lastly, I love your new slippers!
    Take care! :)

  8. Glad to hear from you... Wish you a speedy recovery and good health.
    The bed socks look neat!

  9. For warm and happy feet !
    Have a nice day.

  10. So happy to hear you are through the surgery and doing well! Missed you? Lovely slippers!

  11. Hi, Sangeetha! I was very happy to see your comment in my blog today:) It means, you are back on track :)
    The socks you made look very cozy. Regarding that sole for those socks-shoes, they used some material with bumps on it, as so prevent slipping (it's actually Chinese ready made stuff).
    Do buy aroma lamp, it'll give you so much pleasure with its fragrance during evenings and morning and afternoons:)Well, I am in Chandigarh actually;)I think I haven't mentioned the city I live in in my posts:)hehe. Delhi must be not that winter like now, it's more foggy there. Fewwww..long reply:)
    Take care! Anna

  12. Hey Welcome Back...
    Wishing you a speedy recovery!!
    and the Bed socks are really nice.. Just in Time when you need it. :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Glad to hear you are doing well. And back to crocheting, too. The bedsocks are great! I need warm feet to sleep, too! :) Take care! Tammy

  15. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better. I am sure those pretty little slippers will keep you nice and cozy as you recuperate :)


Thank you for taking a moment to write to me. I look forward to your comments.
If you have any specific questions about yarn, stitches, hooks or patterns please send them to