
Saturday 12 January 2013

A Good Beginning

Hello beautiful people. How are you in the new year? For me, the new year has begun very well. What with new yarn and a new bookcase I now have some more new items to add to the list.

As my confidence as a blogger grew, I started exploring new things and one of them was Giveaways. Initially I just did not understand what they were. Once I got the gist of it I gingerly entered a few of them while still not being sure of how they actually worked. Well, wonder of wonders I actually won. Not one but TWO of them. YAY!!!

The first one was the one held by Preeti of Creat-e-witty Unleashed and this is what I won:

Five balls of lovely red metallic crochet thread. Really generous of her. I am thinking of making earrings or hanging ornaments. Of course I am going to keep you posted about it.

Preeti also sent me a nice New Year card which has a lovely painting of an Indian Marriage procession of ancient times, hand printed on palm leaf.

Isn't that nice? Below you can see some intricate details added in the tiny painting.
The strip is only one inch wide!!

The second giveaway was held by Kara at Petals to Picots. And I won the much coveted Sharp Crochet Hook along with a lovely pattern for a Textured scarf designed by Kara. The Sharp Crochet Hook has a pointy end with which you can crochet directly into fabric for edgings and borders without having to use a separate needle to do that. For more information visit their site HERE.

I have already started crocheting the scarf in a lovely ivory coloured yarn and a Ta-Da moment is not far away.  :)

This year I want to explore some more features of Blogger, and blogging in general. So I will be tweaking my blog as and when I learn something new. Any suggestions from you, my friends are most welcome. I am an eager learner. If you find that some of my changes have weird results please do write me a line so that I can remedy that. Which reminds me, the auto spell check does not seem to be working today so excuse typos if any.

Hope you have a lovely, relaxing weekend. Make time for your craft.

Love xxx 


  1. Congrats Sangeetha for being the lucky one to win two giveaways! Eager to see what you are going to make:). And I feel glad that you liked the greeting card too. We bought those cards from Bhubaneswer in Orissa.

    I hope I will someday win a giveaway too. I guess I must participate in more giveaways:)

  2. How lovely to win 2 giveaways although I consider myself rather lucky to have won the fab crochet book from Amanda's Crafty in the Med. It's in the post and I can't wait to receive it! I'm always trying to improve my blog too - I'll look forward to seeing any changes you may make :) I love that beautiful painting of the Indian wedding. Maggie xx

  3. Congrats on your giveaway wins - have fun playing. :)

  4. Congrats dear! Lovely card from Preeti :)

  5. Congrats, Sangeetha. Lucky you to win not 1 but 2 giveaways. I love the thread and the hook, but that card with the painting is lovely. Looking forward to your TA-Dah with the new thread.


  6. wow!!! congrats dear for TWO giveaways..

  7. Hi, Sangeetha! Congrats for winning 2 giveaways!:) Both are so good for a crafty person like you:) would love to see what you make with that yarn and a hook!
    have a crafty week!

    1. Thanks for you nice comment, Sangeetha:) i'm very very pleased to know that my chatting in the posts can make you feel good:)
      have a great day day!

  8. Hope you're having fun with all your winnings! Can't wait to see the scarf :)

  9. Helloz! I have nominated you for the liebster award. Please hop on to

  10. Congrats Sangeetha !Keep it up its a good beginning thank a lot for your design and i have sent you one hope you liked it

  11. Congrats Sangeetha on your winnings! Eager to see what you will make out of those yarns. I am happy for you.


Thank you for taking a moment to write to me. I look forward to your comments.
If you have any specific questions about yarn, stitches, hooks or patterns please send them to