
Sunday 31 March 2013

Granny Square Baby Blanket

Baby Blues

Hi friends, how are you? I know I did the disappearing act once again. But there is a good reason for it. I wanted to post only after I finished the project in hand :) As I mentioned in my last post I had to very sadly unravel the baby frock I was working on as the skirt looked huge. The granny squares made for the yoke were too cute and I wanted to salvage them. So I made a few more and joined them to make a blanket.

And Ta-Da........

Crochet Baby Blanket

Isn't it super cute!! Okay, I know it is only a small baby blanket, no reason to jump with joy. But for someone like me who is notorious for starting new projects and then just adding them to the huge pile of WIPs this is really something great. The fact that I actually finished a project and a large one at that!

I love "instant gratification" projects, you know purses, coasters, pouches, bookmarks, they give you Ta-da moments very soon. Somehow gathered up all my patience and plodded on through this project, granny square after granny square.... 63 in all, phew.

To keep myself from getting bored I decided to make half of them in reverse combination ie blue with white. 

Okay, confession time, do you know why I actually managed to work non stop and complete this blanket. Because I desperately wanted to try this lovely border!

I just wanted to see how the border would work out and I love the way those aqua jewels peek through the white snow. The stitch is known as Block stitch, I think. I had to unravel the border a couple of times as the corners were not turning out right, but finally it turned out quite nice and neat.

Well, what do you know! A couple of days after I struggle and get the border right, a lovely tutorial was put up by Cherry Heart. If you want to try this border you might want to look it up first.

I just love this blankie, my first actually big project. I wish it was an afghan so that I could snuggle under it. What do you think?

Granny Square Baby Blanket

Bitten by the blanket bug, I have suddenly become ambitious and I have jumped right into making  another baby blanket. This new blanket has a lovely thick texture and practically no "holes". Hope to finish it soon and share it with you.

Another reason I am late in posting this is because I have just discovered the joys of sharing on Facebook. A few clicks and you are done. 

The difference is almost like the one between theatre and cinema. Confused?? Okay  :) Let me explain, as a teen I would watch these movie star interviews on TV (yes, a confirmed TV addict right from childhood) and if they were theatre artists as well, they would go on and on about how theatre is so much more fun, thrilling, how the audience reaction is instant, you don't have to wait till the movie is released to know your fate, how you cannot afford to make mistakes,  and how you instantly know whether your audience is moved or not with your acting.................. Well, now I know what they meant!

Putting up my projects on Facebook was just like that!! Likes and comments follow soon and you can also reply to them soon. And with that done I just forgot to write about it. But I won't let that happen in future  :)

Over the last few days I have been answering a lot of queries regarding the Floral pouch, on Facebook, on the blog, by email, so I am thinking of doing a tutorial for the purse. What do you say, people? Raise your hands for aye. Okay just joking, don't raise your hands just let me know in the comments.

See you soon. Let me know what you have up to. 
Have a smashing week ahead.


  1. Oooooh, I loooooove it. The colours are so fresh and the border just finishes off so nicely. You should do such stuff more often. Think of finishing a square as instant gratification ;-) One square = one finished project. x squares = a finished mega project!

    1. Thank you, Maree. That is a great idea! :)

  2. Lovely blanket ! The colors look very soft:) I guess now you are ready for a Sangeetha size blanket too;) to make it easy you can make 4 baby blankets and join them. I plan about big blankets but when I am done, don't know how they just shrink into cushion covers:)

    1. You are so right, Preeti. My hexagon blanket mysteriously became a small tablecloth.....hehe.

  3. I really miss you when you take such long breaks but I understand this time. Lovely blanket. So pretty and I like the reverse squares and that border....? WOW is all I can say. I'll have to look you up on Facebook. Have a wonderful day and week, my friend.


    1. So glad you miss me. I love reading your posts too. Hope you are enjoying good health. Have a beautiful April.

  4. Oh, one of the cutest blankets I have ever seen! What a great job you have done!

    Interesting reading your Facebook connection. I recently made a fb page for my blog, one that is separate from my personal/family Facebook. At first I did it wrong because within moments I had a few followers. I deleted that and made another. I have been checking out how to add a badge to my blog but there are several to choose from. I see your badge on your sidebar so I think I will head back to Facebook and work on that.

    Always nice stopping by to visit!

    Kindly, Lorraine

    1. Thank you, Lorraine for the sweet comment. Recently when my Fb page had a sudden spate of (male) fans I was worried something was wrong with the page :) Well, all seems to be okay now.

  5. Beautiful blanket! So cute and fresh :-)

  6. Sooo wonderful! I love the colors and the border and the fact that it is done is worth celebrating! I am currently working on a project with nearly 300 squares. No wonder I get distracted with other little projects along the way! Good work, girlie!

    1. Wow Susan, 300 squares! Can't wait to see the finished project.

  7. Congrats on accomplishing your first big project! Very happy for you :) and of course, the blanket turned out so pretty! yes, the border is its peculiarity. well done! I'm working on big blanket now, going slowly but steadily!
    Have a wonderful week!

  8. Beautiful :-) Good Colors.

  9. Dear Sangeetha! Finally a post! so good to read this one...lved the blanket, i had seen it on FB and was waiting for you to post the same here in blogger, the white and blue hit off very well and i love the border. Had used the same one for my granny patch blanket and it looks amazing. A suggestion..try blocking your blanket, the end result really looks wonderful..i just rub a moist cloth all over and steam iron it..he he lazy to do the entire process... But the iron holds good and the corners look and neat and sharp! waiting for your color roit mandala post..he he..

    1. Yes Rajeswari, I was debating about blocking it. But was not sure whether blocking would work for acrylic. Will definitely give it a try :) Thank you.

  10. Sorry that you had to unravel the baby frock, but it's good that you used the squares for something else. Your baby blanket turned out beautifully. :)

    1. Thank you Debi. I have not given up the idea of a baby frock and will be giving it a try again. I am also going to try your 9c baby blankie :)

  11. Now i know I want to have babies .. I mean it :)
    I am going to pick one from you.. ll let you know in advance :)
    This is just too cute, cannot take my eyes off it.
    And 'like' you on facebook too!

    1. Wow Gauri, if just seeing the blanket has made you want to have babies then all I can say....Mission Accomplished!! Actually after completing it, even I was wishing I had someone to cuddle in it ;)

  12. That's the perfect border for that project! Great job. :)

  13. The blanket looks beautiful. And the small rounds in the bowl look so cute. Blue and white is a gr8 combination. it does take a lot of patience to take up and complete such a big project. I keep small one going on simultaneously to keep myself interested :P good job!

  14. Thank you all my dear friends for your wonderful and encouraging comments.

  15. A happy colour combination! A pretty crochet job!

  16. I just love it colors are fresh and very elegant. I am now big fan of your blog. The blanket looks very shimmering and splendid. Nice job done by you. I am impressed by your hard work and dedication you put into it.
    Buy baby clothes india online

  17. Newbie to the granny square world so curious how to attach the squares together before doing the border! Working on squares as we speak so almost ready to assemble everything! So glad I found this post!


Thank you for taking a moment to write to me. I look forward to your comments.
If you have any specific questions about yarn, stitches, hooks or patterns please send them to