
Saturday 13 April 2013

WIP reaches completion

Hello friends!

Yes, a WIP has achieved completion. But sadly it is not one of my WIPs.....hehe.
Remember I showed you this......

Well, now it has become this......

This pic was taken in the first week of April. The two squabs (that is what a young pigeon is called) have now grown quite big but the surrounding area has now become too dirty to click photos   :(

I got a lot of "I told you so" glances from hubby as I had insisted on letting the pigeons lay their eggs in my potted plant. Not only has the pot become extremely dirty but watering my plant has also become difficult as I am afraid I will drown the poor things. I am hoping they will learn to fly soon before my plant totally dries up and dies!!

Also as Aishwarya rightly pointed out they are a health hazard, my balcony is now kept permanently closed. Thankfully the squabs are not noisy and that is a relief.

See you soon, hopefully with one of my WIPs reaching completion.  :)


  1. Wow - what a wonderful WIP completion!

  2. Oh! dear what a dilemma! Any chance of transferring the squabs to another nest or would the mother desert them if you do?
    Can you stick a funnel in one side of the pot so you water the base at least. That would stop it from drying up completely.

    keep well

    Amanda :-)

  3. I have never seen baby pigeons before. They do like mighty big. Were they very small when they hatched? So interesting! I'm sure once they are ready to fly they will do just that and won't come back. Pigeons like to fly and roost high up. Good for you letting them be. Best wishes, Tammy

  4. It is a fun experience to see. A few years ago, I watched a pair of mourning doves build a nest through the stages of babies flying away and enjoyed it a lot. This year we have a pair of little birds that decided to build a nest in a floral basket on my front door. Because they got angry every time someone used the door, I relocated the basket to another spot. I will be happy to return the basket to its place on the front door and hope it isn't too messy!

  5. Oh so cute <3

    My pink elephant, I have patterns but only the text and everything is in Swedish and unfortunately I can not translate so well. I'm sorry

  6. That's wonderful to watch such a WIP's successful completion. Otherwise, the birds sometime desert their babies. We had to remove a nest today that was created couple of months back by a sparrow. It was behind the AC in My daughetr's room and we weren't able to switch it on. We bought a bird house and bird feeders and have made all arrangement for the birdie to reconstruct it. Lets see, no idea, she may abandon it. But, luckily there were no eggs.

  7. So sweet, theses babies!! Great that you let them :-)). Sangeetha, I have a surprise for you: There's an award waiting for you on my blog :-). Congratulations, here it is:
    xxx Nata

  8. How cute! Last summer I had a dove trying to lay eggs in one of my hanging planters. But I shooed it away. I couldn't stand the idea of all the mess they would make, but I hoped the dove found a better place.

  9. Soo cute, we used to have pigeons on our balcony back in Kuwait but they never laid eggs even though we tried to help them along with hay n stuff


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