
Sunday 3 August 2014

Roses are Red, Waffles are Blue...

Sugar is sweet, my love
But not, As sweet as you.....

A beautiful song by Jim Reeves that brings back lovely childhood memories of lazy Sunday mornings. Especially memories of my wonderful Dad bringing out his Grundig tape player and his huge collection of tapes. I think it was his great love for music that taught my brother and me  to appreciate and love music of all kinds, right from Bhimsen Joshi to Michael Jackson. Last month (July) saw his fourth death anniversary and not a day goes by without me remembering my Dad, his zest for life, his belief in the "goodness" of people, and the fact that he was great at maintaining friendships (without Facebook!)....he was still in touch with his kindergarten friends even in his seventies. 

In case you are interested here is a wonderful link I found, to the song mentioned above.

Okay, okay, I know that you are dying to point out the typo in the title. But don't fret as it IS my Waffles that are blue. And if it is me, then the waffles have to be crocheted right?!!

Crochet waffle stitch scarf

I fell in love with this stitch as it is so true to its name. Also because it produces a lovely thick textured fabric. This scarf was the first item I tried using the crochet waffle stitch. The waffle stitch is excellent for scarves, bags and baby blankets or even afghans. 

crochet waffle stitch

As I am a big fan of matching sets I decided to make a matching waffle hat. But while the scarf is worked in rows ie: to and fro, turning the work when you reach the end of the row, a hat has to be worked in the round to ensure a seamless construction. Also as I hate seaming I decided to have a go at modifying the pattern to work in the round.

Crochet waffle stitch hat

I am very pleased with the result. What do you think?

The waffle stitch scarf above was sold before I could blog about it, so I decided to have a go at the waffle stitch again. This time I decided to make a cowl as I had already succeeded at modifying the pattern to work in the round.

So here is my very own crochet waffle stitch cowl:

Crochet waffle stitch cowl

The waffle stitch seems ideal for unisex items. No shells, pineapples or fans...the perfect stitch for men's items!

I am working on the written pattern so watch this space as I will be calling for testers.

Crochet waffle stitch scarf

The blue waffle cowl and hat are available for purchase in my SHOP. And the pattern will also be available soon.

And, just for nostalgia, here is a picture I found,of a player that very closely resembles the one my Dad had;

Pic source:
See you soon. Do let me know what crafty adventures you are up to!

A small note: If you have any questions about patterns, hooks, yarns or anything else, please write to me only at This will help me to reply to you specifically and you will get faster replies.


  1. Love the stitch! Love the color! Love the ribbing on the cowl and hat! Well done, again! You are so talented!

  2. Beautiful cowl. Inspired to make one.

  3. Lovely scarf and the color!! Nice stitch, can be used for bags and cushions too.

  4. Very nice set! I love the colour and the stitch, good job! :-)

  5. I love it!
    I wish you a good summer!
    Kisses from Catalonia!

  6. Time is the healer........ And we have to move on.......


    VERY NEAT as usual......

  7. Lovely to hear about your Dad. You must miss him such so much. I love the waffle stitch and yes it's perfect for men too. Nice job with the cowl. X

  8. Beautiful . Love the stitch and the color blue makes it look absolutely lovely

  9. Ahhh.....Jim Reeves ... brings back memories. You are very good at working patterns out. All versions of the waffle stitch look great. Best wishes, Tammy

  10. Great !
    Greetings from Poland :)

  11. Oh, these are beautiful! I really love the hat. I've seen the waffle stitch before, but haven't tried it yet . . . now I think I might just have to!

    If you're interested, I'd love to have you link up at my Yarn Fanatic Party!

  12. Very clever and fun Sangeetha. My mother listened to Jim Reeves all the time and she was constantly singing that song. Thanks for the memory smile. :-)


Thank you for taking a moment to write to me. I look forward to your comments.
If you have any specific questions about yarn, stitches, hooks or patterns please send them to