
Tuesday 8 March 2016

How to follow crochet patterns and charts (Videos)

Namaste friends,


Let's celebrate the glory, beauty and strength of being a woman. The celebrations don't end here as it is also National Crochet Month (NatCroMo).  Okay I know it is not NatCroMo in India but as they say "it is 5 o'clock somewhere in the world", so it is NatCroMo in the US and that is good enough for a celebration :) I am hoping to keep my posts crochet related this month, fingers crossed. 

Are you aware of "Word of the Year", this is something I discovered in 2016. On the personal front my word is Declutter and I have been pretty successful so far. You have no idea how difficult it has been as I am an extreme hoarder. Yes, I never throw away Anything! Which means I have all the greeting cards I have ever received, penpal letters, patterns saved from magazines etc., the smallest scrap of remnant yarn, CDs we don't listen to anymore, favorite clothes which don't fit my "slim" form and may never will, and everything in my kitchen has to be in multiples!! But I am very pleased that I am making good progress and I hope this continues till the end of the year.

In my crochet life, the word of the year 2016 is CAL (Crochet-Along). I have already started a few and more are on my list. Hopefully I should complete them all this year. More details about the CALs in another post.

Let us get on with celebrating NatCroMo. How about starting at the very beginning? So, tell me; 
  •  When did you learn to crochet? 
  •  Who taught you to crochet?  
  •  Do you dabble in any other crafts? 
I am a self taught crocheter and I bought my very first crochet books at the age of 15 and I have never kept my hook down ever since. Initially I followed written patterns and it was after I bought a Spanish crochet leaflet that I learned to follow crochet symbol charts. Today I am surprised that I managed it all on my own! Must be the spirit of youth. :)
Are you comfortable with written crochet patterns or do you find it easier to follow crochet symbol charts?
I found two wonderful videos that are going to solve the problem for both groups. The first video is by crochet designer Marly Bird, where she explains how to follow crochet symbol charts in great detail putting an end to any guesswork.

 Click HERE if you have any problem watching the video above.
The next video is by Kristen at GoodKnit Kisses where she explains crochet pattern reading in wonderful detail literally reading it word by word.

Click HERE  in case the video above does not play.

I hope you enjoy both the videos. While I am addicted to crochet, I also like to knit, paint and dabble a bit in embroidery, sewing and macramé. What about you? Are you multicraftual? (Yes, it is a word...haha)

See you soon. Keep crafting and revel in being a woman.


  1. Hi Sangeetha
    Happy Women's day to you too dear.

    A lovely post as ususal :) Its like you having a conversation with me over a cuppa. Thats how you write. Ask me... I just moved to a new home. And my Goodness!! It took me ages to clear the clutter at the old house. When it comes to life a hoarder!!! Ghosh... God save us. And teach us to not get tempted and chuck of things which we will never use but just hoard. Storage spaces do not expancd you see :))

    I learnt basic crochet stitches from my mom (she is a crochetholic :)) ) at age 13. But went on to create something only at age 20.
    I can understand both charts as well as written patterns but I love CHARTS... Find them easier to follow
    And I dabble in lot many crafts. I am multicraftual too so to say. Each in phases. Presently, stitching but I'd like to follow a CAL. Why don't you start one?

    1. Hi Aishwarya, Thank you for your lovely comment. I don't think I am expert enough to start a CAL, but maybe in future. Sweet of you to suggest. Right now there are some gorgeous CALs going on and I'll write about them soon. My decluttering was thrust upon me as we moved from a big rental place to our own compact 2 BHK home. :) Have a great week.

  2. Good to see a post, Sangeetha. I've been a little slow posting myself but trying to do better. I finally learned to crochet when I was around 15 after trying to learn much earlier. I did it as part of a Future Homemakers badge type thing and my Mom finally got it thru to me. I also do counted cross stitch. That's about it for the crafty me.

  3. I have been on decluttering therapy last week and cleared of lot of things.
    I learnt basic crochet stitches from my grandmother when I was nine years old. I like any kind of crafting activity.


Thank you for taking a moment to write to me. I look forward to your comments.
If you have any specific questions about yarn, stitches, hooks or patterns please send them to